- The total license fee and service charges due for the license period (9 months certain inclusive of compulsory hostel closure during school breaks) is to be paid upfront and in advance for the license of the bed space at Student Accommod8 student residences. In the event of a license renewal the resident will be required to pay the total license and service charges at least a month before their current license is due to expire at the rate advised by Student Accommod8. Residents must sign a new resident application form for each new license period.
- All residents will be required to signify their acceptance of all the TERMS AND CONDITIONS/REGULATIONS included in the STUDENT ACCOMMODATION RESIDENT HANDBOOK by submitting a signed copy of the last page of the handbook to SA8 in order to finalise the licensing process. Failure to sign off on the handbook within 24 (Twenty-Four) hours of receipt of same may lead to automatic rejection of the application for a bedspace.
- All residents are informed that lease license payment is NON-REFUNDABLE once this form has been signed and application has been approved.
- All residents are required to provide full contact details and proof of address of their parents/guardians in order before their bed space license application is approved.
- Student Accommod8 will assign a House manager for each property. This House manager will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the student residences. SA8 along with the House manager and other service providers in and around the residence will be responsible for enforcing the implementation of these regulations.
- Student Accommod8 will be responsible for providing the following facilities at their residences:
- Room Furniture and facilities- Bed frame (including mattress and pillow), personal storage facilities, en-suite shower room and toilet, sockets, light switches, water, electricity, etc.
- Shared Facilities- Shared kitchen and a general common room area. (subject to operational hours)
- Security on site
Some of these facilities may be subject to operational hours and will be enforced by Student Accommod8’s representatives at each residence. Student Accommod8 reserves the right to adjust these operational hours but will advise residents in advance of such changes before they occur.
Residents will be required to return all furniture in a condition acceptable to SA8 at the end of their license period. Any damage outside of normal wear and tear will be paid for by the resident and/or resident’s guardian.
- SA8 will be responsible for all maintenance work and major repairs to the building. Residents are not allowed to deface or alter the property in any way. Any improvement works needed for their personal or communal areas within the building must be reported to the House Manager. (Students will be charged for any damage to SA8 property in their care)
- Residents are allowed to bring their personal belongings but are advised to store their valuables safely within their rooms. We advise that highly valuable items be kept at home. No pets, drugs, illegal substances, arms or weapons are allowed anywhere on site and any resident that is found with any of these items will be automatically evicted. (with no entitlement to a refund on the remainder of their license fee). SA8 will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property on site.
- Residents are required clean their personal space including bathrooms and sleeping areas regularly. If a resident refuse to do so, SA8 will charge the resident (and/or guardian) for the cleaning service engaged to clean such areas. SA8 will only be responsible for cleaning the communal areas around the hostel.
- Residents are to conduct themselves responsibly on the premises and are advised to be considerate of others in their activities. Intoxication, aggressive/threatening behavior, discrimination, theft, intentional or reckless damage to SA8 property will not be tolerated and will be grounds for eviction. Residents are expected to treat their fellow house/flat mates and SA8 staff with care and respect. SUSPECTED CULTIST or CULT-LIKE BEHAVIOUR WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- Residents should use the facilities provided in the House responsibly. Residents found to be wasting resources will be required to pay for the excesses. Individual residents (or their guardian) will also be required to pay for any damage to SA8 property caused made by them.
- Commercial activities SHALL NOT BE conducted at the residences- gambling, buying and selling of goods/services, commercial cooking, dealing in illegal activities including drugs etc. is UNACCEPTABLE and automatic grounds for eviction (without refund)
- Guest are to be accompanied by a resident at all times and must abide by the visiting hours in the handbook. Sleepovers are not allowed. The gate opening and closing times will be strictly enforced. Failure to abide by the terms will be grounds for eviction (without refund)
- Residents are not allowed to transfer their license agreement to a third party. Any required changes to the license arrangement with SA8 must be communicated in writing to the House manager and SA8 will review each request on a case-by-case basis.
- Excessive Noise and disturbance especially during designated ‘quiet’ periods of the day will not be tolerated. SMOKING or DRINKING alcohol on the premises IS NOT Allowed and are be grounds for eviction (without refund).
- SA8 has a zero-tolerance policy on any form of discrimination at its residences. Admission into our residences will not be based on religion/tribe/ethnicity/disability or race. SA8 will not tolerate discriminatory behavior amongst its residents.
- SA8 is relieved of any liability if it is unable to meet any of its obligations under this Agreement due to any "Act of God", riots, disease/epidemics, strikes, or any act or order which is reasonably beyond its control; provided that it takes all reasonable steps practical and necessary to effect prompt resumption of its responsibilities.
- SA8 staff may offer first aid in event of medical emergencies in the Residence, however each Resident is solely responsible for his/her health and personal well-being. Residents are firmly advised to register at the University clinic and take all necessary health precautions, especially those with existing medical conditions.
- Details of the rules and regulations of the residence are contained in the STUDENT ACCOMMOD8 RESIDENTS HANDBOOK which will be made available to residents before handover of personal room key.
- SA8 reserve the right to accept or decline new applications to our residence and/or renewals.
The STUDENT ACCOMMOD8 RESIDENTS HANDBOOK provides further guidance on the policy of the Residence. The right of interpretation of this Agreement and other regulations as set out above rests with Student Accommod8.